Forex Trading Library

Interview With Haroun Kola: How I Became an Affiliate

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Today, we are speaking to Haroun Kola, a well-known forex blogger, who dedicates his time to help beginners enter financial markets safely. Haroun writes about the ways affiliate marketing is funding his lifestyle and tells how he managed to create an online community of forex affiliates and traders.

Haroun Kola

Is it easy being a brokerage Partner?

It’s simple but not easy, just like trading. It took me a long time to build an authoritative website, my reputation in the online industry as a credible personality, and give valuable information to prospects.

What made you get into this business?

I wanted to earn a passive income online; I looked at just trading but realized the risk of ruin was too high to purely rely on that as an income source. I had some experience in affiliate marketing and decided to combine my experience in online marketing with my interest in forex trading.

What’s the difference between an IB and an Affiliate?

An affiliate acts merely as a lead generator sending traffic to the brokers, an IB builds a relationship with the traders and adds value to their trading career beyond what the broker provides and what an affiliate is after.

What do you choose to shift your focus on as a Partner?

I’m still working on this as I started out primarily as an affiliate, my personal life doesn’t allow it now but I plan on transitioning into providing beginner mentorship to traders to get them used to the trading platform and as I become more successful as a trader, provide them with guidance in trading or at least choosing a credible mentor.

What are your main criteria in a broker before you promote them?

Regulation, insurance from the loss suffered by the broker, copy trading or PAMMs, the speed of execution, minimizing expenses while trading, market information to help with trading activity.

OK, it is interesting that you view it this way as many people could be under the impression that Affiliates don’t care about their clients since they are not obliged to interact with them. Have you come across such behaviour?

Not personally, but I have heard about it from other people that this sometimes happens.

Is there anyone big that you look up to who inspired you to Partner-up?


Before we close; do you have any ‘Affiliate secrets’ you would like to share for those in the reading audience who are just getting started?

Once you have your website set up and starting to see some clicks on them, buy traffic from Google and Facebook. It worked for me to get some conversions. Make your contact information easy for people to find and create authentic connections with first-time traders. Build solid relationships with your partners and trust them enough to convert those prospects into active trading clients.

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