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5 Female Financial Forerunners to Follow

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Trading in financial markets typically conjures up an image of men in suits.

But it’s 2021 and it’s Women’s day, and it’s time we looked past the Wolf of Wall Street stereotypes that have been outdated for decades.

So, on this international day dedicated to celebrating women, let’s take a look at the female investment pioneers who are breaking the financial glass ceiling, and providing valuable insights into the markets for traders around the world.

Cathie Wood of ARK

image via Business Insider

Cathie Wood has become one of the most-talked-about names in the equities space.

She’s most noted for betting big on Tesla, as part of her portfolio of tech stocks. Routinely the mere mention of Cathie Wood in relation to a stock can push it higher.

She is the founder of ARK Investment Management, which has over $50B in assets as of the last financial disclosure.

Her rise to fame, though, was as the manager of the largest ETF during 2020, which meant her decisions had a direct impact on the value of many of the largest corporate names in the world. She generally focuses on disruptive technology companies, which is why she’s betting big on Tesla.

Cathie Wood does have Twitter, but she’s got the most traction on Reddit.

Ana Botin of Santander

ana botin
Ana Botin, chairman of Banco Santander SA. Photographer: Luke MacGregor/Bloomberg

Generally, you don’t turn to the CEO of a major bank looking for market-disrupting commentary. But, when we are talking about the largest bank in Spain, and fourth-largest in Europe, and also being the largest shareholder, it’s worth paying attention to.

Ana Botin isn’t as publicly outspoken as other women on this list, but she is adept at the reins of power. She’s been a special financial advisor to both the UK and Spanish governments, as well as the IMF.

Aside from having first-hand knowledge of the banking sector in Europe, the US, and Latin America, she has important insight into monetary policy.

Ana Botin is a frequent op-ed contributor to major newspapers around the world.

Nancy Zevenbergen of ZCI

Image via

Perhaps the least known of the women on this list, she quietly manages one of the more successful hedge funds in America. Not surprisingly, it’s focused on the tech space, which was the major outperformer last year.

Zevenbergen has built a reputation of identifying key market disruptors long before anyone else. She’s been a Tesla holder for over ten years and got in on Netflix back when it was trading at just $6/shr. Her funds also invested in facebook’s IPO and still maintain the holdings.

Her views are easiest accessed on the eponymous hedge fund’s webpage

Mandi Pour Rafsendjani

Although a trader, Mandi Pour Rafsendjani is most known for being a trading coach.

Usually, traders who make it in the big leagues tend to keep their trade secrets to themselves. But Mandi Pour Rafsendjani has made a second career out of sharing her success with new traders.

She is most easily found and followed through her trading website, dispensing regular advice on trading, and answering questions.

Jane Gallina (more popularly known as Airplane Jane)

Image via YouTube

Jane Gallina got her start in the markets after working for an airline (hence, the name) and becoming unsatisfied with the drudgery of regular jobs. Her first foray into the markets resulted in disaster, as she managed to lose her account due to poor risk management.

But, after a break, she came back with more experience and a desire to learn. Eventually, she became a prolific day trader with one of the largest followings on Twitter.

Without having her own massive hedge fund, she’s still influential in the markets as retail traders have become much more powerful in disrupting the market.

Airplane Jane is a frequent reference point for online traders, both beginners looking how to get better, and veterans tracking what might be the next big thing.

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