Forex Trading Library

Sharing Knowledge in the Desert: Orbex Forex Camp

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Orbex has always been known as one of the most innovative brokers, and this January once again we suggested an unusual approach to studying. Instead of conventional classroom meetings, we thought that seminars and workshops would be more productive if we conduct them right in the desert.

This idea was born during the weekend and has grown into Orbex Forex Camp in Kuwait Desert. It was incredible, that most of the seats were booked in the first few days after the announcement.

In total, more than 150 people joined Orbex Team to learn the most advanced trading strategies, practice trading with renowned specialists and enjoy the beauty of the spring desert scenery.

Rich entertainment program combined with delicious meals of Arabian cuisine became a perfect addition to the unique educational experience.

Enjoy the best moments of Orbex Forex Camp, collected in our photo gallery!

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