A Comprehensive Guide to BREXIT: Then, Now, and After with Orbex Education

The highly-anticipated in/out British referendum is upon us. The decision that can lead to tectonic shifts in European landscape will be taken on the 23rd

David Cameron: “So today, as we confront fresh threats and dangers to our country I am in no doubt that for Britain the European question is not just a matter of economic security, but of national security too, not just a matter of jobs and trade, but of the safety and security of our nation.”

Orbex Team has prepared a timeline, profoundly explaining the historical background of ‘Brexit’ and the economic relations between UK and Europe.


    1. Britain and the EU: A long and rocky relationship;
    2. Brit Politics: Britain and Europe;
    3. The Washington Post: What’s a ‘Brexit’? A guide to Britain’s E.U. drama for confused non-Europeans;
    4. Parliament UK: In brief: UK-EU economic relations;
  1.  Center for European Reform: The final report of the CER commission on the UK and the EU single market. The economic consequences of leaving the EU and the EU single market;
  2.  The Financial Times: What are the economic consequences of Brexit?
  3.  The Business Insider: Here’s how horrific the economic fallout from a Brexit would be;
  4.  The National Archives: How important is the European Union to UK trade and investment?
  5.  The Economist: A background guide to “Brexit” from the European Union;
  6.  Statista: European Union;
  7.  The UK’s independent fact-checking charity: UK jobs and the EU